Design and build your own website



In this project you will design and code your very own website! You’ll need to plan what your website is going to be about, and create the content (text, information, pictures, video etc.) that should go on it.

Step 1: Designing your website

What should your website be about? Maybe you want a website about yourself, your favourite pet, a hobby you do, or your favourite subject. It’s completely up to you! What would you like to share with the rest of the world?

Some people like to sketch out their website with pen and paper before starting to code it, others prefer to get straight into the code and just play around.

You will need to think about what content should go on the website. If you’re writing about your favourite hobby, what do you think people would like to know about it? Do you have any pictures or videos? If you don’t have any pictures you can always make a drawing.

Step 2: Coding your website

Use the knowledge you’ve learnt in the previous lessons to code your website. Your Code Club leader have some new materials for you as well that you can use, including how to put audio and video on your website. Exciting!